Purpose: Recruit current, and new members that qualify within good status with the USPTA to join and participate in our Under 30 group.
Committee Member Responsibilities
Attend a monthly conference call or email with committee members prior to the monthly team conference call.
Help recruit USPTA members via phone calls and emails and any other way to get new members on board.
Recruiting Ways
New Members who just tested
Current Members who are not involved yet
Tennis on Campus
PTM (Professional Tennis Management)
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Schedule and send reminders for committee members (once a month)
Develop meeting agendas
Develop a “pitch” for phone calls.Something we all use when calling a new potential member.Short, crisp and right on point.
Lead committee meetings
Present updates on “U30 Team Conference Calls”
Recruiting Committee Members
Name: Email:
Tyler Marengo tyler.marengo@wynvr.com
Richard Hall coachrichard0451@gmail.com
Nuria Curtis nuria.curtis@gmail.com
Paul Housholder paulhousholder@gmail.com
Sergio Rebolledo Sareboll@gmail.com
Kyle LaCroix tennisk7@hotmail.com
Frank Forgeau FFourgeau@gulfharbour.com